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Leapfrog can improve the productivity of your sales operation

Consultancy Services

Managing and growing a successful business can be frenetic and fraught with problems – too much to do and not enough time in the day to do it. Plus deciding on how and where to find new business, managing the sales process and systems can all be difficult especially if you have no-one to bounce ideas around with.

Leapfrog’s consultants have the time and experience to help you solve and implement all of your sales problems and more, so you feel supported in how to go about taking your business to the next level of growth.

Do you need to: 

  • Discuss your sales and business challenges with an objective consultant
  • Generate a new sales strategy
  • Penetrate new markets and industries
  • Increase conversion of incoming enquiries
  • Recruit a sales person
  • Analyse your clients and assess how to increase their spend
  • Create or update new sales presentations or collateral
  • Change the way you incentivise your team
  • Institute better sales reporting systems
  • Organise a sales conference
  • Ensure your sales team initiate a more proactive approach
  • Develop your new business idea and create a business plan?
  • Get tips on how to find and win new business
  • Develop your networking plan
  • Work with a consultant who can act as a sounding board through the start up process
  • Develop a joined up marketing and sales campaign

Focusing on these sales issues could help to increase turnover.

Leapfrog helps companies make the leap from average sales performance to exceptional. We are focused on working with you to increase turnover, client base and team performance.

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